
The safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and vehicles is the focus of our transportation engineering practice. Because we understand that transportation is connected with, impacted by, and itself affects other facets of development, our experienced staff provides a holistic approach to solving and providing insight into transportation. By drawing on our interdisciplinary expertise, we can incorporate ideas such as multi-modal solutions, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and complete streets into designs, studies, and analyses.

Whether designing to add roadway capacity, maintain traffic during construction or make a corridor safe for all users, our Team focuses on providing solutions that address the needs of our clients. This informed approach thoughtfully analyzes current industry trends while adhering to the requisite engineering standards and practices. This approach ultimately yields professional, reliable, and cost-effective results that allow our clients to meet all of the goals and regulatory requirements essential to the successful completion of their projects.

KEITH’s FDOT Work Groups Include:

Group 3: Highway Design-Roadway

3.1 Minor Highway Design

3.2 Major Highway Design

3.3 Controlled Access Highway Design

Group 6: Traffic Engineering and Operations Studies

6.1 Traffic Engineering Studies

6.2 Traffic Signal Timing

Group 7: Traffic Operations Design

7.1 Signing, Pavement Marking, and Channelization

7.2 Lighting

7.3 Signalization

Group 8: Surveying and Mapping

8.1 Control Surveying

8.2 Design, Right-of-Way, and Construction Surveying

8.3 Photogrammetric Mapping

8.4 Right-of-Way Mapping

Group 10: Construction Engineering Inspection

10.1 Roadway Construction Engineering Inspection

Group 13: Planning

13.3 Policy Planning

13.4 Systems Planning

13.5 Subarea/Corridor Planning

13.6 Land Planning/Engineering

13.7 Transportation Statistic

Group 15: Landscape Architect

15.0 Landscape Architecture

Our Transportation Engineering Services include:

  • Minor Highway Design
  • Major Highway Design
  • Controlled Access Highway Design
  • Public Involvement
  • Utility Coordination Related to Highway Design
  • Signing, Pavement Marking, and Channelization
  • Lighting
  • Signalization
  • Roadway CEI
  • Parking Lot Design
  • Site Circulation and Roadway Design
  • Intersection Warrant Studies
  • Parking Studies
  • Safety Studies
  • Crash Analyses and Diagrams
  • Highway Capacity Software (HCS) Analyses
  • Trip Generation Reports
    • Roadway Compliance Reports
    • Land Use Amendments

for additional information on these services to discuss your project needs.