Miramar, Florida
KEITH provided surveying and grant writing services that included an engineering feasibility study for the restoration of deteriorated canal embankments along Miramar Park, Miramar Isles, and SW canals, and a preliminary engineering needs assessment study for the drainage basins served by the canal systems. KEITH researched available federal, state, regional and local grant programs, including TIGER 1, EPA Urban Waters, CBDG, SFWMD, and Broward County CBIR and make recommendations to the client. KEITH also prepared a topographic survey detailing fourteen (14) cross-section sites. The fourteen (14) sections were tied to the adjacent lots/right-of-ways and/or plat lines with the horizontal datum for the file being North American Datum of 1983 with the National Spatial Reference System of 2007 Adjustment applied (NAD1983/NSRS 2007).