
Pompano Beach, Florida


KEITH performed subsurface utility engineering (SUE) within the plant and for proposed yard piping routing. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was used to designate, verify, and document location of existing underground facilities, including major piping, electrical conduits, and storm water facilities. KEITH was also tasked with surveying services to supplement the existing topographic survey provided by Broward County and verifying the elevation of select hydraulic process structures, such as top of weir/wall/floor and overflow elements. KEITH provided landscape architectural services associated with the exterior design and construction of two buildings as part of the expansion and performed tree inventory and appraisal. An existing tree disposition plan, landscape plans, and irrigation plans were prepared. Additionally, KEITH assisted with the detail design engineering services for the yard piping design.

More about BCWWS Reclaimed Water Plant Expansion

The North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) utilizes a 54-inch ocean outfall and Class I Injection Wells as the primary means of treated effluent disposal. Legislation by the State of Florida, generally known as the “Ocean Outfall Rule”, eliminates the use of ocean outfalls for disposal after 2025. The Outfall Rule also mandates the implementation of a wastewater reclamation program with a minimum capacity of 60 percent of the facility’s Baseline Flow above and beyond current reclaimed water application. This is a total reclaimed water production of approximately 26 mgd for the NRWWTP. Broward County has requested services pertaining to the expansion of the existing reclaimed facility to increase its firm rated capacity to approximately 26 mgd.