
Pompano Beach, Florida


Broward County Water and Wastewater Services required improvements for a Septage Receiving Facility as part of the Broward County Water and Wastewater Services Capital Improvements Program. The Capital Improvements Program identified an update to this facility as recommended in the Regional Wastewater Transmission System Expansion Report. Septage Receiving Facility Operations/Administration Improvements are required to meet changes in space usage over the life of the complex consisting of new booster pumps, new backup power generator, new truck clean-out station, new building, and re-purpose the existing building aimed at decreasing operation and maintenance costs. KEITH was tasked with surveying services, providing topographic surveys of the subject parcel depicting all above ground appurtenances and any interior and sub-surface accessible equipment that will be needed for the design of the station’s upgrade. KEITH also provided horizontal designation and test hole services to locate all utilities in order to minimize any potential damage. KEITH’s civil engineering team prepared site plan drawings for the proposed updates, indicating the proposed building location and vehicular circulation, and required landscape areas/buffers, parking requirements, dumper location, fire access, and issues required by City of Pompano Beach Land Development Code. In addition to the site plan drawings, KEITH prepared on-site paving, grading, and drainage plans that met the requirements of the regulatory agencies, including stormwater pollution prevention plans. KEITH was also responsible for engineering permit processing and CEI services. KEITH’s landscape architecture team performed a tree inventory and appraisal, an existing tree disposition plan, landscape plans, irrigation plans, and landscape observation services.