Letter from the President: Building Community

3 years ago

KEITH’s mission is to create, expand upon, preserve, and enhance our communities. KEITH’s trans-disciplinary approach inspires innovative opportunities, implements practical solutions, and is the true value add that the KEITH Team brings to every project.

At the core of what we do are the people who live, work, and play in the environments we create. Our Practice Lines were created to place an emphasis on the communities that we bring to life. Each Practice Line is interconnected, providing critical infrastructure, connectivity, and gathering places to allow meaningful life stories to unfold. We focus on the unique and diverse needs of our clients and the communities in which they reside.

We are thrilled to announce the redevelopment of our website,, calling attention to how the KEITH Team continues to build community through our Practice Lines, firm history, services, leadership, news, and much more.

Alex Lazowick, PE, PMP, ENV SP